Thursday, October 1, 2009

MOST HATED 2009 - John Derbyshire

OK I AM FIRED UP. I can't believe the ignorance & pompousness of this guy....

Where on earth do guys get off thinking they are superior!?! Thankfully most realize that we are equal even if we do have a different set of plumbing & hormones, still NO ONE would be here without both sexes equally. (except maybe that sheep Dolly that was a clone, but still the one she was cloned from came from a male & female!!!)

Anyway this Jackarse trumps Kayne West in the douche bad contest by stating that women should never have gotten the right to vote!!!!

WHAT? Don't believe me? Listen or read yourself.

So yeah John Derbyshire, you are officially the biggest waste of oxygen I can think of at the moment. If lightening would happen to strike you from this planet, I wouldn't shed a tear but perhaps breath a sigh of relief knowing that your ignorance isn't being passed on to anyone else.

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