Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hi. My name is Ali and I am addicted... to Craigslist ads.

Not posting them. Not responding to them. Not even looking for something to purchase.

Just reading them & LAUGHING MY ARSE OFF! (yeah I know LMAO would have been shorter, but I wanted to clearly state just how funny I find the things posted, locally or all over the world.)

Frankly I know I am not alone in my guilty pleasure. There are many more lurkers out there who read & just shake their heads.

Then again there are a few who blog about the insanity. I adore the like minded at times.

You Suck at Craigslist, or YSaC, takes a look at the ads that might not exactly have chosen the best way to get their ideas across. Those ads that you have to read twice just to be sure you read it the way it was actually written. Oh & love that!

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