Friday, December 19, 2008

Family Watchdog

Ok so this post isn't as fun as some of the others, but I think this website is certainly noteworthy.

The site today is

Its enables you to see where local registered sex offenders are in your neighborhood. Its extremely easy to use. Just type in your address (or the address of family members you are curious about their neighbor or potential neighborhoods) & it will show a coded map for everyone of note in the area.

Some of the classifications such as "offense against children", "rape", "sexual battery", & "other" are easily seen with the colored blocks showing just how close to your block these people are. Clock on any of the dots to see a photo of the offender & get more information on them or their convicted crime(s).

The first time I used this site sent chills down my spine as I recognized a few local faces. While its not meant to frighten, it is good to be aware. I am glad to say that I have watched the area around where I live go from having more dots than I liked to barely any within the few miles!

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