Friday, December 12, 2008

the Lunar Bunch

With the beauty of the moon as it's fullest tonight, my mind dreams of what lies there on that big silver circle of comfort. This wonder lead me to find a group of people who are doing more than wonder, they have declared themselves citizens of the moon.

The Lunar Republic Society is focused on the future expansion of humans on the moon & mainly the relocation & tourism of humans on the moon. For just $16 you can be a member for two years.

"Included among your benefits as a member of the Lunar Republic Society are:

· Participation in elections to determine the future of Luna
· Two-year subscription to The Lunar Journal, the official newsmagazine of the Lunar Republic Society
· Participation in the international effort toward privatized exploration of the Moon
· Discounts on property purchases from The Lunar Registry
· Access to members-only sections of
· Invitations to future members-only events
· And much more to come!"

Through the links located on the site, you can purchase lunar related merchadise - including purchasing your own acre of moon land! Also included on the site is various topics in the news from around the world that relate to the moon.

Maybe one day we will find ourselves faced with the option to move to other planets or the moon, but as for me I will hold tight to my money until then. Besides, if its a new republic wouldn't they start making their own currency? Seems a tad bit loony too me.

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