Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Go speed typeracer

One of the things on my list of things to accomplish this year is to improve my typing.

I'm current at around 45 per minute but my goal is to reach 70 WPM by the end of 2009.

Not only will it give me a sense of accomplishment it will add a great skill to my resume & make things easy as I blog & work. Win - win goal to me.

While learning to type can be a challenge, I also wanted it to be a fun challenge. Long gone are the days of sitting in a stuffy classroom listening to the teacher call out words as we posed fingers perched in the correct positions hovered over the "home keys".

A few years back I purchased a discounted copy of Mavis Beacon's typing software. This was fun at first but I soon tired of it & have no clue where the CD is at this point.

Today I came across a website,, that takes quotes from pop culture rather than the standard strange phrases used elsewhere. It also adds a competitive element to practice. You sign in & race against others who are typing the same phrase. Win some, lose some, but it certainly helps you to get going as fast as you can. I even made it up to 49 WPM! A nice start to my goal.

The one thing I would change about this program is that it only shows the current word you are typing. The phrase you are working on typing is shown in entirety the whole time, but only the current word you are typing is displayed in your box. Sort of threw me off. Not sure why, but I would rather see all of what I have typed the same way you see the whole phrase above.

Overall, its a fun game to try & you are improving skills while wasting time on the computer! :)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Okay, that's really cool! I type faster than I thought I did. I don't think I'm going to be able to leave that site alone!