Sunday, January 4, 2009

National Bird Day!

Tomorrow is National Bird Day! A time to celebrate our fine feathered friends in all their glory, be it the ones that visit your yard or those that have joined your family.

Birds are such unique creatures that are intelligent, beautiful & have some of the biggest personalities out there. Anyone who has ever taken the time to relax & watch them can agree that they provide entertainment & insight into life.

My parents enjoy several bird feeders located all over their yard. Their favorite is the one suction cupped on to the window in their kitchen. Wild birds of all sorts make an upclose appearance daily which delights them as they do the more mundane things like wash their hands or cook lunch. Another favorite for them is the hummingbird feeder, where they can watch as the lil mini helicopter like colorful blurs sip the nectar. Finchs are another great event for them. All the various colors & the ensuing game of what type is that one can lead to hours of conversation & fun.
Bongo is affectionately known as my "Blue Bird of Happiness". He has shown me how wonderful life can be with a bird in it. While I still wish I had been able to find a budgie that needed a new home rather that the pet store purchase, I never regret bringing him home. He's love & daily antics inspire me. He makes me laugh & makes me feel so loved.
Take a moment on January 5, tomorrow to think about how amazing the birds of the world are. Spend some time outside listening to the songs, maybe celebrate by setting up a feeder of your own to help attract local birds.

Here are some pictures of birds that make me smile.
This crew can be found in Brooklyn!
Wild parrots in Brooklyn? Yup.
Learn more about these birds at Brooklyn Parrots.

1 comment:

DoodleBird said...

I had no idea it was "bird day".