Sunday, January 25, 2009

We find the defendant...

So tomorrow I get to do the honor of serving my civic duty... oh yes, I have jury duty.

A few years ago I got called & actually was out of work (college summers) & thought sounds fun, what the heck! Course I didn't get picked. They had too many & drew number to let people go, I was the 4th one called. I was bummed that I didn't get to see how it all works.

Now, well I realize it shall be a day (or more) of being stuck probably bored out of my mind waiting to see who gets picked. Still,... sounds better than a day dealing with my boss's crap.

So if you can't beat it, gotta find humor in it!

1 comment:

MoonGoddess said...

and again I am excused from service! So no jury duty or funny antics to get out of it.