Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Your place or Mine? Wait its OURS!

Tomorrow, April 22, is Earth Day.

Which means today's site is all about things you can do to help the environment.

Feel like telling me ideas on how you can help do your/our part?

Currently I use a reusable metal water bottle, a canvas lunch bag, reusable bags (but admit I do take some plastic & reuse them in cleaning up the bird cages & as bathroom trash can liners). I have now switched ALL lights in the house to CFL bulbs & use rechargeable batteries - there are still some old ones we are using up but any new ones are rechargeable! The out door path lights are solar powered & half don't work at night. I use any water that the birds, dog or I don't drink to water the plants. We got a French press coffee maker instead of an electric one this year. I recycle as much as I can in regards to house hold waste.

I feel like I am forgetting something. For me its more than just wearing the Its Easy Being Green Kermit Tee & carrying the Target Red Tote bag, its doing what we can to help conserve energy & clean up this place. Where else are we going to live? :)

Any other ideas?


Wendy said...

Um, I make my own methane gas. Does that count? :oD

MoonGoddess said...

Oh yeah.. me too! :D

Good one!

Helen said...

I am all for recycling and being good stewards of the Earth. But Earth Day? Don't you think the other planets get jealous? Especially Venus. Mars never notices these things (he hasn't even bought Earth a card yet), but Venus is stewing about when her special day is going to be announced.....
I will celebrate Earth Day when Pluto is given back his rightful place in the solar system, no longer discriminated against as a "trans-Neptunian object" and every planet has a day to call their own. Until then, the celebration of Earth Day only brings to mind the bitter injustice done to other celestial bodies orbitting the Sun, and the preferential treatment given to Earth in this particular planetary system.

MoonGoddess said...

That's what my boyfriend said!!! Where are the other planet's days? Do we have to wait til we colonize them?

I went to an Earth Day fest this year & the past few years (for my former job mainly) & it just seems like a place for a bunch of people to get together & drink while listening to funky bands...nothing to earthy...unless you count the dread locks.

One year they actually planted a tree. That was a step in the right direction in my eyes.