Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Funny Fish

So we spent a couple of hours at a couple of pet shops today adding fish to our aquarium.

A few weeks ago we lost all but two when someone cleaned the tank & moved them out of the tank into buckets of tap water. Needless to say I believe he learned his lesson & we won't be having that happen again. Over all I am impressed by his first fish tank & how into it he is.

Still deciding what fish we would get to replace the old ones who now swim in the great blue above, was an ordeal! Too many choices. Which pet shop had better fish, which fish would get along, which ones would help control algae, etc.

Finally he agreed that we would add another platy to give Walt our white Mickey Mouse fish a pal. So we got a red Mickey Mouse fish which I named Roy. Seemed fitting since Walt Disney had a brother named Roy.

Also we kinda feel for the Dalmatian Mollies since they seemed to be the most interactive of all the fish in the shops. I had suggested mollies since they seem to be pretty hearty fish & good for beginners. I remember doing pretty well with them as a kid. So we got a couple of those. Still working on names for them.

We also got a couple of tiny algae eaters with a strange sounding O name... not sure about those. Not much personality but I'm sure they will grow on me & get names as well sooner or later. If the clown loach (& other survivor) Barbosa doesn't get them like he did Scully the albino cory catfish we had. He ate the fins right off of him! His passing actually made me feel better since I feel it couldn't have been a good life as a fish without fins. He seemed to do ok though... til the tap water disaster.

Fish are just interesting lil creatures. So different from us.

Like these two:

Saw them at Ripley's Aquarium last week & cracked up!

So yeah, as Wendy (@ Weight...What?) says... Life is Funny!

So go on... make your best fish face & laugh! No one is looking!


Wendy said...

Those are some funky fish!

How about Pongo and Perdita for the Dalmatian Mollies? No, not a Disney lover here...

Thanks for joining my carnival! I really appreciate you jumping in and being the first one!

MoonGoddess said...

Pongo & Perdita! I love it!

yeah.. no disney fan here either! ;)

Now for the hard part.. which is a girl fish for the Perdita name? ...hm. Oh well, maybe it can be a drag queen Perdita if need be!

Thanks for the help on that one!

they just better not be having 101 babies in that tank! Its no where near big enough for all that. lol

Kelli said...

I LOVE your fish :)! Too funny. And I love the Pongo and Perdita for names. We have webkinz with those names :)